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This Mental Capacity Act and DoLs Train the Trainer course is suitable for anyone in health and social care who wishes to teach MCA and DoLs Awareness training to others. Meet your CQC requirements easily, learn an in-depth understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and gain a certified instructor on site.

Mental Capacity Act & DoLs (Train the Trainer)

£350.00 Regular Price
£325.00Sale Price
  • On completion of this MCA and DoLs course, learners will be a qualified trainer in this subject and should know and understand the following: 

    • Defining the Mental Capacity Act (MCA)
      Understand and describe what the Mental Capacity Act is, its key principles, MCA development and MCA limitations
    • Defining the Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards (DOLS)
      Understand and describe what Deprivation of Liberties Safeguards is and DoLs code of practice
    • How this applies to you and your work
      Understand how MCA and DoLs applies to you and your work
    • The relationship
      The relationship between MCA and DoLs
    • Relevant legislation
      Learn what the law stats the relevant legislation
    • Teaching methods
      Deliver sessions with different teaching methods to suit the classroom
    • Learning styles
      Understand different learning styles and when is the best time to use them
    • Retain information
      How people retain information
    • Feedback & Evaluation
      How to evaluate appropriately, and give and receive feedback to the learners
    • Ice-breakers
      Learn different ways to 'break the ice' with the whole classroom
    • Presentation skills
      Confidently present your session to others
    • Dos and don’ts
    • The dos and don'ts of being a trainer
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