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Acquire all the tools and skills needed to teach a Dementia Awareness training course to staff in your workplace with our Dementia Train the Trainer course. This Dementia Train the Trainer course will assist healthcare providers in ensuring best practices while training their staff to provide high-quality care to dementia patients, their families, and carers.

Dementia (Train the Trainer)

£350.00 Regular Price
£325.00Sale Price
  • On completion of this Dementia Train the Trainer course, learners will be a qualified trainer in this subject and should know and understand the following:  


    • Defining dementia
      Learn, understand and describe what is dementia 
    • Effects of dementia 
      Understand how dementia affects individuals in different ways 
    • Quality dementia care
      How quality dementia care purely focuses on what the person can still do and is not a general approach
    • Communication
      Understand the importance of good communication when caring for someone with dementia
    • Wellbeing methods 
      Learn methods to improve the wellbeing of people with dementia
    • Teaching methods
      Deliver sessions with different teaching methods to suit the classroom
    • Learning styles
      Understand different learning styles and when is the best time to use them
    • Retain information
      How people retain information
    • Feedback & Evaluation
      How to evaluate appropriately, and give and receive feedback to the learners
    • Ice-breakers
      Learn different ways to 'break the ice' with the whole classroom
    • Presentation skills
      Confidently present your session to others
    • Dos and don’ts
      The dos and don'ts of being a trainer
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